Moscow cattery of the Petersburg Sphynxes - Peterbalds   «RUSSI MYSTIC»

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In March 1997 I acquired my first Petersburg Sphynx cat, Noel Nokol a known female of the Moscow cultivation. In the breeding program of our cattery are used cats of different lines, catteries and clubs.At naked cats colours plays a small role, but it has turned out so, that in our cattery the most famous cats are mostly seal point or lilac and black bicolour. The purpose of my breeding programm is to produce the type of cats which resembles the modern, extreme Siamese and Oriental cats: a long and wedge-shaped head, low placed ears, wide at base. That's why I did an experimental mating between peterbald Jasmin and Brendon van de Marsken(owned by E. Shahova from Ekaterinburg), a very extreme Siamese male, imported from Holland. The brother and the sister from this crossing have been left in my house and my cattery. Vanda Russi Mystic and Vostochnyi Rajah Russi Mystic have received good type and new blood lines.Children the peterbald the Jasmin and Siamese cat Brendon van Marcken have created a new breeding line of my cattery. The vivid example is mine a Mercedes Russi Mystic (daughter Rajah) - the peterbald of Show of a class that is repeatedly confirmed with its exhibition successes!! Kittens - peterbalds who now are born in cattery have the modern type frequently combined with good bald a body, that too it is very important for breed.
The peterbald is bald breed!!!
It is a lot of kittens from my cattery has grown and lives in Moscow and other cities. I allow a name of the cattery " Russi Mystic " not only to kittens who are given birth in my house. The name of cattery is received by our children and grandsons who take part in the breeding program of cattery.
Now in cattery different blood lines are collected, kittens have modern type of the peterbald. But we work to receive even more extreme the peterbald. As more as possible approached to modern east cats.
And the winter of 2004 has brought to me a surprise. And my cattery of peterbalds has replenished with the representative of the biggest domestic cat on a planet - Meine Coon. I could not resist against charm of this gently - brutal shaggy a giant. And last purchase of cattery: a tiny cat Munchkin. So at present cattery " Russian Mysticism "(Russi Mystic)completely justifies the name, in fact the most surprising and mystical representatives of the cat's world live in it: the most naked, largest and most ridiculous dwarfs with short legs!










© Питомник петербургских сфинксов-петерболдов и мейн кунов.

RUSSI MYSTIC, 2002-2009 г